What is midwifery care like? How is it different from my OB?
Midwifery care is quite different than a visit to your OB. Our appointments generally last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, which allows plenty of time to ask all of your questions. We take the time to really understand what is going on with you, your baby, your family and your pregnancy. We offer resources such as reading suggestions, referrals to classes and other providers.
Another cornerstone of our care is informed choice - we offer the same standard of care when it comes to labs, ultrasounds, and procedures that you would get anywhere else, but shared-decision making is what sets us apart. We fully support and respect your decisions, knowing that you are the best and final expert on your body and your baby.
We are continuously keeping up to date on evidence based research, while maintaining perspective and remaining humble. Although we help guide your journey, you are in charge.
Do you provide preconception counseling?
Yes, a preconception counseling visit can make a huge impact on your planned pregnancy. We offer genetic testing, fertility awareness, assessment of risks concerning pregnancy, what supplements are recommended, and stress relief/diet/exercise counseling.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for out of hospital birth?
The majority of people are considered low-risk and a good candidate for out-of-hospital birth. To learn more about the safety of birthing out of the hospital, check out this research study conducted by the Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA), which confirms the safety for low-risk families who choose to birth at home with a Midwife. CLICK HERE FOR STUDY.
What standard labs do you offer?
Complete blood count (CBC): Evaluates the cells that circulate in your blood, like iron and platelets.
Blood type and Rh factor: Determines your blood type and Rh factor (negative or positive)
Antibody screen: Tests for antibodies that attack red blood cells
Rubella Antibody titer: Screens for German Measles
Urinalysis: Evaluates components of the urine
Pap smear: Screens for cervical cancer
Genetic screening: Screens for fetal chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects, and can detect Fetal Rh factor
Carrier screening: Screens for maternal chromosomal abnormalities
HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B&C screening: Standard sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia cultures: Screens for gonorrhea and chlamydia
Urine Culture: Screens for bacteria in the urine
Glucose screening: screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Thyroid and hormone testing: Screens the thyroid hormones, as well as additional hormones, if necessary.
Vitamin D: Evaluates Vitamin D levels
Group beta streptococcus culture: Screens for presence of vaginal/rectal GBS
with referral available, as necessary.
Do you take insurance?
We are currently not in contract with any major medical insurance plans.
Full Circle Midwifery asks all families to pay the full fee up front in installments throughout prenatal care.
You can also choose to submit your insurance claims directly with your insurance company or hire a third party biller. We can also provide you an itemized, coded receipt that can be submitted to the insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. This is not a guarantee of refund and does not affect how Full Circle is paid.
As fully licensed and insured medical providers, you are likely to have our services applied to your deductible at minimum. To find out what your insurance plan will cover you can call your insurance representative and ask what your coverage is for an out of network provider providing home birth services and midwifery care.
What supplies do you bring to the birth?
Click here to explore tools in your Midwifes' bag!
What do you do if there is any emergency in labor?
We are trained to handle obstetric emergencies and have strict protocols in place to keep both mom and baby safe. We maintain and practice Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) and CPR every 2 years. While it is our goal to anticipate a problem before it becomes an emergency, if emergency medical care is needed, we will activate EMS and accompany you to the hospital.
Will labs and ultrasounds be covered by insurance?
Your insurance will cover labs and ultrasounds the same as with any other provider since these are not billed directly through Full Circle Midwifery but rather billed through the lab and imaging service.
What about Healthshare plans?
Healthshare insurance plans such as Liberty Healthshare, Samaritan and Christian Healthshare usually always pay 100% of the fee.
How do you monitor the health of baby and mom during pregnancy?
The foundation of prenatal care is preventative care. We support you to make the healthiest and best choices possible to help keep your pregnancy low-risk. Additionally, we recommend standard of care lab tests and a mid-pregnancy ultrasound. We monitor the baby's heartbeat and growth throughout the pregnancy. We monitor your blood-pressure and other vital signs at every visit. Because our prenatal care is based on relationship building and listening, we are often able to catch issues before they become major problems.
We recognize that pregnancy and birth are unpredictable and stay vigilant to any developing problems or concerns. If additional tests or consultations are needed, we have relationships with other providers, imaging centers and labs.
How do you make sure we are safe and healthy during labor and birth?
During labor the midwives will monitor the baby's heartbeat frequently and discreetly. We work to keep you and your uterus hydrated, fed, and rested while also checking vital signs periodically. We have a Midwife and trained birth assistant at every birth. We follow our carefully researched and frequently re-evaluated protocols to make sure you stay low-risk and safe for out of hospital birth.
Should a transfer of care become necessary - and it sometimes does - we aim to have easy, quick and seamless transfers to the nearest hospital.​
How will I cope with labor?
One of the benefits about having a midwife for your first unmedicated birth is that we have helped hundreds of people do this. We have trust in you, your body and your baby, and we have skills to help. If there is one thing we know, it is that you can cope with the discomfort of normal labor. We require childbirth education classes for first time parents so that you are more prepared and confident.
Do you offer VBAC?
Yes, it is legal for licensed midwives to offer VBAC at home in the state of Florida.
Good prenatal care, adequate nutrition, and mental/emotional/spiritual preparation for labor and birth will help you prepare for your VBAC.
I recommend that all mothers, but especially VBAC mothers, seek out a supportive community of other pregnant women. There are other woman walking the same path, connect!
Find your local International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) chapter! They do wonderful work through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Can I switch to Full Circle Midwifery if I am already in care with another provider?
Absolutely! Please contact us to discuss details.
When should I start prenatal care?
We love to see you starting in the first trimester, specifically by your 12th week gestation. This will give us plenty of time to build a trusting relationship. If you are currently being seen by another practice, we will facilitate transfer of records and can establish you into even into the third trimester.
Can I eat and drink in labor?
Yes! We encourage it. Your uterus is a muscle! it would be a disservice to not allow you to refuel as you work hard to birth your baby.
What if I tear?
Majority of tearing is either a 1st or 2nd degree and can be repaired at home by your midwives. If you tear more extensively, we will accompany you to the hospital for the repair to happen by an OB.
Who can come to my birth?
The choice is entirely yours when it comes to who you want present at your birth—it's your moment. Some prefer utmost privacy, while others welcome a whole entourage, from family to a doula, photographer, and even the little ones! Your preference is our priority; we adapt to you. We encourage everyone you invite to play a specific role in supporting your birth goals. Simply consider if you're comfortable being vulnerable in front of them. Moreover, we believe those present should align with your values, ensuring a supportive atmosphere without any imposition of fears during this significant time.
Who files the birth certificate? What about the newborn screenings?
Your baby's birth certificate information will be submitted and instructions will be provided on how to obtain the birth certificate. The Newborn Metabolic Screening and Congenital Heart Defect Screening are offered at the first postpartum visit.
We will perform weight checks at every postpartum visit, ensuring adequate weight gain and timely referrals, as necessary.
Resource: https://floridanewbornscreening.com/
Can we do delayed cord clamping?
We do not clamp or cut the cord until you are ready, unless there is an indication to. Read more about delayed cord clamping here and why it is such an important physiologic process.
Can I have a doula?
Yes! We love doulas. Check out the evidence on doula care. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/the-evidence-for-doulas/
Are there any local classes you recommend?
Yes, check out our community resources page.